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FY 2016 PLS Data Element Proposal Information for adding New Changing and or Deleting data elements

Page history last edited by Kim Miller 8 years, 3 months ago

FY 2016 PLS Data Element Proposal Information for adding New, Changing and/or Deleting data elements


All proposals are due by COB Friday, September 25, 2015. All comments on proposals should be posted to the wiki by COB Friday, October 16, 2015.


Please submit your proposals for new/change/delete data elements for the FY2016 PLS Survey.  You may submit your proposals one of two ways:  Posting the item to the wiki page linked to below or by sending your proposal to Kim Miller kmiller@imls.gov for posting.   You must be a registered user of the wiki to post items. 


Please enter the item under one of the three categories: add, delete or change.  Please include your name and state under the proposed data element.


For Proposed New Data Elements:

Please include the title, definition, and rationale.  Include any states that are already collecting this information.   


For Proposed Changed Data Elements:

Please include the number of the data element, title, current definition, proposed changed definition and rationale.


For Proposed Deleted Data Elements:

Please include the number of the data element, title, definition and rationale for deleting.


The proposals will be discussed by the IMLS, Census, and the LSWG before the SDC Annual Meeting.  During the SDC Annual Meeting the data elements will be discussed further, and proposals must be endorsed by 40% of the SDCs reviewed.


Please link to this page to propose new, changed or deleted data elements for the FY 2016 PLS.


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