
Data Elements Definitions - FY2014

Page history last edited by Kim Miller 10 years, 2 months ago


FY2014 Data Element Proposal submitted before SDC Annual Meeting:



Endorsed FY2014 Data Elements



FY2014 PLS Data Elements on IMLS web site:  http://www.imls.gov/assets/1/AssetManager/PLS_Defs_FY2014.pdf 









Data Element:



Add New

Wireless Sessions - Annually




#502 Reference Transaction




#710 Metropolitan Status Code




50 states/1 territory voted


4 Year (Calendar) Process for FY2014 Data Elements: 4 year process for 2014 data elements.docx




Approved FY 2014 PLS Data Elements.docx


Approved FY 2014 PLS Data Elements



Add New Data Element:


1.  Wireless Sessions – Annually


Definition: Report the number of wireless sessions provided by the library wireless service annually.


Rationale: Wireless internet service is a key and increasing service of libraries.  It makes sense to have a national statistic regarding the level of service to monitor trends and to inform local, state and national broadband policies and initiatives.  The information would come from wireless service providers and/or software.


This data element will be # 652 under "Other Electronic Information" beginning with the FY2014 PLS federal survey


Michigan “Best Practices for Wireless Statistics” document  http://tln.lib.mi.us/dept/technology-services/wifi/files/techcomm/Best_Practices_for_Wireless_Statistics.pdf


Provided by Jamie McCanless (WI)


Suggested Software/Hardware (from Joe Hamlin (MI)


·         Google Analytics  (requires a captive portal or splash page) http://www.google.com/analytics/

·         Cisco Meraki - https://meraki.cisco.com/

·         Aerohive - http://www.aerohive.com/

·         Pfsense - https://www.pfsense.org/

·         Who’s On My WiFi http://www.whoisonmywifi.com/





Change Data Element:


1.  [502] Reference Transaction (see current definition: 502 Reference Transactions)


Reference Transactions are information consultations in which library staff recommend, interpret, evaluate, and/or use information resources to help others to meet particular information needs.


A reference transaction includes information and referral service as well as unscheduled individual instruction and assistance in using information sources (including web sites and computer-assisted instruction).Count Readers Advisory questions as reference transactions.


Information sources include (a) printed and non-printed material; (b) machine-readable databases (including computer-assisted instruction); (c) the library's own catalogs and other holdings records; (d) other libraries and institutions through communication or referral; and (e) persons both inside and outside the library.


When a staff member uses information gained from previous use of information sources to answer a question, the transaction is reported as a reference transaction even if the source is not consulted again.


If a contact includes both reference and directional services, it should be reported as one reference transaction. Duration should not be an element in determining whether a transaction is a reference transaction.


NOTE: It is essential that libraries do not include directional transactions in the report of reference transactions. Directional transactions include giving instruction for locating staff, library users, or physical features within the library. Examples of directional transactions include, “Where is the reference librarian? Where is Susan Smith? Where is the rest room? Where are the 600s? Can you help me make a photocopy?”


If an annual count of reference transactions is unavailable, count reference transactions during a typical week or weeks, and multiply the count to represent an annual estimate. [If the sample is done four times a year, multiply totals by 13, if done twice a year multiply by 26, if done only annually, multiply by 52.] A "typical week" is a time that is neither unusually busy nor unusually slow. Avoid holiday times, vacation periods for key staff, or days when unusual events are taking place in the community or in the library. Choose a week in which the library is open its regular hours.




Delete Data Element:


1.  710 Metropolitan Status Code


IMLS would obtain the Metropolitan Status Code during the geocoding process of the data in the compilation phase of the survey cycle.  The C_MSA data will be placed on the file for release.  This item would not appear in WebPLUS.

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