Book Sales Stats

March 25, 2009


Susan Vittitow, WY


Someone had a question on the PUBLIB listserv about national used book sales and generated revenue. We break down "other" income for state purposes into fines, fees, etc., but not specifically for book sales, although we know they bring in significant money for some of our libraries. Am wondering -- does anyone collect library book sale data? I'm guessing "no," but it never hurts to ask.


Just curious!




Debbie Wilson, DE

Delaware does not have a specific book sale item on the survey. The closest we get is under "other revenue" there is a separate item for fundraising events and in a parenthesis we say (Book sales, etc.). The library however can include any fundraising event in there, not just book sales.


Edie Huffman, IN

That would be a problem, since so many Friends groups sell the items and then use the money on the library's behalf, not always for their materials budget.  It's something to think about, certainly. 


Grace Kelly, NY

That is very much the case in New York as well.