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458 Total Electronic Collections formerly Total Licensed Databases

Page history last edited by Kim Miller 8 years, 6 months ago
Library Collection


This section of the survey (450-460) collects data on selected types of materials.


It does not cover all materials (i.e., microform, scores, maps, and pictures) for which expenditures are reported under Print Materials Expenditures, Electronic Materials Expenditures, and Other Material Expenditures (data elements #353, #354, and #355). Under this category report only items the library has acquired as part of the collection and catalogued, whether purchased, lease, licensed, or donated as gifts. that have been purchased, leased or licensed by the library, a consortium, the state library, a donor or other person or entity. Included items must only be accessible with a valid library card or at a physical library location; inclusion in the catalog is not required. Do not include items freely available without monetary exchange. Do not include items that are permanently retained by the patron; count only items that have a set circulation period where it is available for their use.Count electronic materials at the administrative entity level; do not duplicate numbers at each branch.


Highlighted: new for FY 2015



Licensed Databases Electronic Collections (456-458): 

Report the number of licensed databases electronic collections. (including locally mounted or remote, full-text or not) for which temporary or permanent access rights and/or the platform have been acquired through payment by the library (directly or through a cooperative agreement within the state or region), or acquired by formal agreement with the State Library.


An electronic collection database is a collection of electronically stored data or unit records (facts, bibliographic data, abstracts, texts, photographs, music, video, etc.) with a common user interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation use of the data. An electronic collection may be organized, curated and electronically shared by the library, or rights may be provided by a third party vendor. An electronic collection may be funded by the library, or provided through cooperative agreement with other libraries, or through the State Library. Do not include electronic collections that are provided by third parties and freely linked to on the web.


Electronic Collections do not have a circulation period, and may be retained by the patron. Remote access to the collection may or may not require authentication. Unit records may or may not be included in the library’s catalog; the library may or may not select individual titles. Include electronic collections that are available online or are locally mounted hosted in the library.


Note: The data or records are usually collected with a particular intent and relate to a defined topic. A database may be issued on CD-ROM, diskette, or other direct access method, or as a computer file accessed via dial-up methods or via the Internet. Each database electronic collection is counted individually even if access to several databases electronic collections is supported through the same vendor interface.


Report the number of licensed databases electronic collections acquired through curation, payment or formal agreement, by source of access:


456 Local/Other cooperative agreements

457 State (state government or state library)

458 Total Licensed DatabasesElectronic Collections.


This is the sum of Local/Other cooperative agreements, and State licensed databases electronic collections(data elements #456 and #457).


Changed for FY2015



Prior year data definitions:



Former #458: Other cooperative agreements: added into 456 and is no longer to be collected separately. (FY2012)



Licensed Databases (456-458):


Report the number of licensed databases (including locally mounted or remote, full-text or not) for which temporary or permanent access rights have been acquired through payment by the library (directly or through a cooperative agreement within the state or region), or acquired by formal agreement with the State Library.  A database is a collection of electronically stored data or unit records (facts, bibliographic data, abstracts, texts) with a common user interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of the data.


Note: The data or records are usually collected with a particular intent and relate to a defined topic. A database may be issued on CD-ROM, diskette, or other direct access method, or as a computer file accessed via dial-up methods or via the Internet. Each database is counted individually even if access to several databases is supported through the same vendor interface.


Report the number of licensed databases acquired through payment or formal agreement, by source of access:


458 Total Licensed Databases


This is the sum of Local/Other cooperative agreements, and State licensed databases (data elements #456 and #457).


formerly #459; changed for FY2012 PLS





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