Outlet Level Data

Original Post 2/25/13


Bruce Pomerantz (MN)


Minnesota collects data at the outlet level of multiple-outlets whenever possible, e.g.: visits, reference transactions, computer sessions, programs, collection, etc. We do not collect budgets at the outlet level.


Aside from collecting the number of weeks an outlet is open, do any other states collect data at the outlet level as extensively as Minnesota?  Only those that do need reply. I’ll take silence as an indication that your state does not, since I presume this is the majority. 



SDC Comments:


Scott Dermont (IA)


The only outlet data we collect is the data required for the national level. We have very few multi-outlet libraries (fewer than 10 out of 544).



Nicolle Steffen (CO)


Like Iowa, Colorado limits the data we collect at the outlet level.



Joseph Hamlin (MI)


Like Iowa and Colorado we also limit the data collected at the outlet level. 



Ruth Hyatt (AR)


Arkansas collects limited data at the outlet level.  Currently, we only collect materials usage, services and programming at the branch level.



Roberta "Robbie" DeBuff (NV)


I'm very new, beginning my 5th week, but wanted to start chiming in.  NV collects limited data on Outlets as well.



Diana Very (GA)


In Georgia, we collect everything at the outlet level, except budget, and then aggregate the data for the admin section of the federal survey.



Carole Suzui (HI)


Like Georgia and Minnesota, in Hawaii, I  collect everything at the outlet level, except budgets.  I compile the data monthly at the state level and annually for the admin section of the federal surveys.  We are a statewide system so the budget for the public library system is administered by the Administrative Services Branch (ASB) at the state level.  My cubicle is located in ASB.



Dianne Carty (MA)


We collect limited information at the outlet level.