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A library operates from a temporary location

Page history last edited by Kim Miller 13 years, 5 months ago

Number of Weeks a Library is Open (Data Element 714)


Original Question (4/11/11):


Bruce Pomerantz, MN 


A library operates from a temporary location during a major remodeling of the existing building.


Only the week or two that that library closed to relocate should be counted as closed weeks, correct?



SDC Comments:


Susan Mark, WY


That would be my take on it -- I would concur.


Genny Carter, TN


We have had that situation with a couple of our libraries in the past year, and that is how we dealt with it.



IMLS  (in consultation with Census)


IMLS (after discussing with Census) response to Bruce’s question (A library operates from a temporary location during a major remodeling of the existing building. Only the week or two that that library closed to relocate should be counted as closed weeks, correct?):


Yes, only the week or two that the library was closed to relocate should be counted as closed weeks.  What we want to measure is the availability of service, not whether or not the service is accessible at a given location. 


Following is the rationale that was included on the FY2010 ballot

(also on the wiki (item #2): http://plsc.pbworks.com/f/Ballot+and+Proposed+2010+Data+elements+with+comments.pdf) :

The number of weeks a library outlet is open combined with the number of service hours per year will provide an excellent community-level measure of public service.  Together, these two data elements allow us to more accurately characterize fluctuations in service hours at the outlet level.  In cases where outlets had to reduce hours, did they reduce a small number of hours per week, but continue to operate every week of the year, or did the library actually shut down operations for a week or more?  Collecting this data element would allow us to answer this and other related questions in much more comprehensive manner than is currently possible.  These two data elements will also allow for better, more detailed comparisons between library outlets and between library systems.


We welcome further comments. 

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