
2015 SDC Annual Meeting Presentations

Page history last edited by Kim Miller 9 years ago


NEW SDC Orientation


12/8, AM

  1. Welcome, Deanne Swan (IMLS Statistician): SDC Conf 2015-12-08 am 0 Welcome.pptx
  2. Goals for Orientation, Jamie McCanless (WI SDC): orientation_goals 2015.pptx
  3. The Role of the State Data Coordinator: The Year Long Journey of a State Data Coordinator, Laura Stone (AZ SDC): SDC Journey 2015 for 16.pptx
  4. The  Value of Data, Deanne Swan (IMLS Statistician): SDC Conf 2015-12-08 1 Value of Data.pptx
  5. Engaging in the Community, Michael Golrick (LA SDC): Engaging in the Community-2015-rev.pptx
  6. WIki Tour, Michael Golrick (LA SDC): Wiki tour 2015.pptx or PDF version Wiki tour 2015.pdf
  7. PLS Web Tool Overview, Russell Palmer (LYRASIS): PLS New SDC Training 2015 12 08.pdf


SDC General Sessions


12/8, PM

  1. Welcome, Why we are here, Deanne Swan (IMLS Statistician): SDC Conf 2015-12-08 pm 0 Welcome.pptx
  2. Implementation & Discussion of new/changed data elements for FY 2015 PLS, IMLS/Mentors: SDC Conf 2015-12-08 pm 1 DSwan PLS2015.pptx
  3. PLS Web Tool Overview, Danielle Battle (AIR): PLS General Session AIR 2015 12 08 Revised.pdf & PLS Web Tool Screenshot Compare 2015 12 08.pdf



  1. Library Data in the Federal Context, Deanne Swan (IMLS Statistician): SDC Conf 2015-12-09 DSwan FedContext.pptx
  2. Using Library Data Strategies for Different Users, Matt Birnbaum (IMLS) & Linda Hofshire (CO): SDC Presentation on PLS and Use 12.09.15_Final.pptx
  3. PLS FY 2016 Data Element Discussion:  SDC Conf 2015-12-09 pm Proposed 2016.pptx; Counting Usage 4.pptx  or PDF version Counting Usage 2.pdf



  1. IMLS Data Tools (New Website, Data Catalog, Search and Compare tools), Kim Miller & Deanne Swan (IMLS): SDC Conf 2015-12-10 IMLS DataAccess.pptx
  2. SLAA Survey, Anna Sandoval Giron (AIR):  SLAA Survey_SDC_presentation_2015_12_10.pptx



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