September 4, 2015
Cathy Van Hoy (OK)
I’ve just briefly looked at this but has anyone else dived into this in detail? Would this be helpful to us in any way?
COUNTER - Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources
Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative
SDC Comments
Laura Stone (AZ)
Yes, I think this is very helpful. As we work on revising electronic definitions, we need to look at COUNTER compliance, and other standards.
Joe Manion (MN)
Hello Colleagues,
I agree. It would be helpful to have a list of vendors that are Counter or SUSHI compliant. We could compare vendors and learn more about usage patterns. Standards are good.
Stacey Malek (TX)
I believe NISO also has definitions around electronic measures. I think they are aimed more at academic libraries, but could be helpful, as well.
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