
2015 SDC LSWG Candidate Bios

Page history last edited by Kim Miller 9 years, 3 months ago

2015 SDC Library Statistics Working Group (LSWG) Candidates


IMLS is seeking candidates for two-three year terms for the Library Statistics Working Group (LSWG).  Laura Stone (AZ) and Kathy Shepherd (SC) terms expire December 2015. 


New terms:

Two - Three year: December 2015 – December 2018


Voting will take place at the December 2015 SDC Annual Meeting.


If you wish to run please send Kim Miller kmiller@imls.gov a picture and your bio. 





Joy Garretson 

Joy Garretson, SDC Mississippi


I have worked in libraries since 2012, first as a reference librarian and adult programming coordinator at a mid-size public library, and then as the Continuing Education Training Coordinator and State Data Coordinator at the Mississippi Library Commission. Before entering into librarianship, I worked in secondary and post-secondary English education, community relations, and small business management.


As the State Data Coordinator, I have introduced infographics software to the Mississippi public library community and have also worked with the state library and state library association to support statewide funding initiatives with statistical data. In addition to my duties as an SDC and training coordinator, I am on the project team for the Mississippi Library Leadership Institute and have worked with past participants to advance leadership projects in their communities. This past spring, I worked with the COSLA CE Connector group to produce a four-part webinar series for New Directors and was impressed with how often the need for community engagement and involvement in library decisions was expressed. I am committed to outreach and innovation within libraries and work to communicate the importance of useful statistical data in 21st-century library initiatives.


One strength that I would bring to this position is my willingness to ask for help frequently and to be open to new information. I was given very little training as I began my work as an SDC and leaned heavily on my mentors to help guide me through the annual reporting process. Having that experience has taught me to be careful but flexible in my approach to the annual report. If elected to the LSWG, I would enjoy fielding questions and helping other SDCs with the statistical reporting process.


Robbie DeBuff, SDC Nevada


I have served as SDC, among other duties, for the Nevada State Library, Archives & Public Records since January of 2013. Prior to the State Library, I worked in public libraries in Southern Nevada for 10 years. Before libraries, I worked in museums in Nevada and Montana as far back as 2001.


I have worked to bring consistency to data collection among Nevada’s 21 public library jurisdictions. Many of these jurisdictions consist of one employee who, at best carries a librarian certification for Nevada. I have experienced a variety of skill sets with regard to data and collection of statistics. My goal for Nevada libraries is to bring them, in some cases slowly, into data visualization and analysis. In addition, I manage several statewide grants, continuing education, statewide reading programs and public library statistics (which includes my work with Civic Technologies), and provide consulting to public and school libraries of Nevada.


I intend to bring my ability to view a matter from a variety of angles to LSWG. I received an extraordinary amount of training and knowledge about public library statistics from my colleagues among the SDCs. My experience as an SDC, has been extremely rewarding. I hope to continue to help SDCs move towards telling a more impactful story to our local, state and federal governments.




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